Biomedical Pharma arises from the need to improve people's safety and quality of life

Biomedical Pharma arises from the need to improve people's safety and quality of life. Our main objectives are: to offer people an effective solution for hospital supplies, solve the problem of health safety and minimize the environmental impact. In fact, the company stood out for its policy inspired by the paradigm of the three P's: Planet, People and Passion. The many years of experience gained in the biomedical sector has allowed us to structure and offer a personalized and comprehensive service for the management of multi-brand hospital materials.

Biomedical Pharma was recently incubated by the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation, a leader in the development of innovative biotechnologies applied to human health and in medical, biological and chemical research. Thanks to this opportunity, Biomedical Pharma was able to open a new series of offices in Siena, within a facility where every day hundreds of scientists, doctors and researchers cooperate together to develop new technologies and suitable solutions to improve the lives of all of us! "This is a great starting point for the company, the synergy we are creating will improve the lives of all of us" says CEO Omar Alessandrini.

Thanks to the company's great interest and investments in the development of new technologies, in 2021 Biomedical Pharma realized all its efforts giving life to PhotoACTIVE, an innovative nanotechnology that actively eliminates viruses and bacteria thanks to light.

“The applications of PhotoACTIVE® are now very many - explains the Technical Director Emanuele Cecchi of Biomedical Pharma Srl -. For example, Biomedical Pharma can finally offer the world the first antiviral and antibacterial FFP2 certified in Italy. We are using it to sanitize workplaces, public places, professional offices, private residences, as well as public transport such as buses, subways, trains and cruise ships, certifying its effectiveness for one year. In these days we are launching the additive for washing in domestic washing machines, which integrates another important aspect of the use of PhotoACTIVE®: that on textile products already in the industrial phase of fabric and yarn production, activities for the which we are preparing special spaces in our headquarters in Prato.

"Thanks to this innovation we are also growing exponentially abroad, in particular in France, Germany, United Kingdom, USA and United Arab Emirates, where the PhotoACTIVE product range has already been registered as a disinfectant, we did not expect such a great demand in so little time ”says the Marketing Director Leonardo Franchini.

Fonte: La Nazione

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